Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Old movies

I just realized I never posted the two films I made as final projects for school last semester. I had never done anything like this before! 

The first was inspired by the last few moments of Hoffmann's fairytale "The Sandman," and is an experiment in synaesthesia. The second was a project I did for my Spanish Surrealism class...but I just kind of made what I wanted to. 

I made them within a few weeks of one another in May of 2008. Did all the music, too. I won't say more than that, except that they are totally bananas/bonkers!

Oh and you have to crank up the music a bit on the Hoffmann one because I had no idea what i was doing:)


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You're perfect no you're perfect

I'm going to the new Henry Darger exhibit tomorrow at the Folk Art Museum! In a word: exciting. Some glorious works may be viewed right here.


Monday, October 6, 2008

yes yes that's me self portrait #1

got a new nib :) 

and got so excited about this that i did not properly measure my little box!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Please don't digress- I'm a mess

i'm so happy autumn is here! makes everything move a bit slower, yes?

xoxoxo ppp

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I was being believed

Hello! I am finally back with new cartoons. Hope you enjoy:)



xoxo paige

p.s. above photo by Richard Misrach.